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Chapter 02

Chaos Toon

Model: Adolf

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Adolf Deflated Balloon


The events in this story take place after those in Chapter 1: Daniel Flat Inflatable Doll

It is not necessary to read the story before this one to understand it and have a great experience, but if you do, you will have a better experience.

In this funny universe, to capture his victims, Krynshar uses Little Mist, a helper creature created from Red Mist. Here, things don’t always go as expected.

              A smiling man approaches the door of some kind of mysterious factory. He starts clapping his hands, shouting, “Is anyone there?! Hey?! Can anyone help me?!”

              The door opens with a bang, and behind it stands a man in black clothes, looking surprised to see someone in front of the facility.

              Happy the door was answered, the smiling man introduces himself. “Hello! I'm Billy. Are you Krynshar?”

              The man in black clothes remains staring at Billy.

              With an embarrassed smile, Billy says, “Are you the one in charge here?”

              The man in black clothes laughs confidently. “I'm in charge everywhere.”

              Billy raises his eyebrows in excitement. “So you’re Krynshar?”

              The man in black clothes sighs. “This is supposed to be a very secret place so no one can find me.”

              Billy cocks an eyebrow. “Oh really? It doesn't seem so secret. My friend said he saw writing on the wall of this building that said this is your hiding place.”

              Krynshar raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Did your friend... what?” He comes out through the door and looks at the wall above, where he sees the written phrase “Here is not my master Krynshar's hiding place.” He furrows his eyebrows and raises his hands to his forehead with a big sigh.

              Billy scratches his head. “Oh, sorry! I will explain. I have a small penis and I would like to enlarge it.”

              Krynshar turns his face to Billy in surprise and stares at him in silence.

              Billy puts both hands on the sides of his head. “I've already tried using some creams, injecting some things, taking some vitamins. I've also tried...”

              “Spare me these details,” interrupts Krynshar.

              Billy nods eagerly. “My friend Adolf said that you are a highly wanted person because of your transformation skills!”

              Krynshar nods. “Hmmmm, yes... right, but I think there is a misinterpretation going on.”

              Billy grips his dick through the fabric of his pants and says, “My friend said you could help me get a bigger penis, and when he found out you were here, he told me to come and ask you.”

              Krynshar laughs out of the corner of his mouth. “Did your friend send you to me to ask for a transformation?” He crosses his arms and smiles mischievously. “You two must've met online. Either that or you've got a friend who secretly hates you.”

              Confused, Billy starts to stutter. “Hmm? But... but... He likes me, that's why he recommended a plastic surgeon as famous as you!”

              Krynshar rolls his eyes. “Okay. Maybe there's a third option where your friend is just stupid.”

              With a hint of disappointment, Billy asks, “So you're not going to help me get a cool big penis?”

              A wide smile spreads across Krynshar's face. “Let's make a deal. You tell me where to find this friend of yours, and I'll make you a huge penis.”

              Billy whoops, elated. “Cool! This will be easy!” He opens his cell phone messages with his friend Adolf and turns the screen toward Krynshar, showing the conversation he had with his friend earlier. “We agreed to meet at the arcade in the city mall this afternoon.” Then Billy raises an eyebrow. “But... Why do you want to find him?”

              While taking out his cell phone and starting a voice call, Krynshar begins to emanate Red Mist from his body towards Billy.

              Billy starts to get slightly scared. “What... what's going on?”

              Krynshar flicks his eyes toward Billy. “I have brainless creatures smarter than you.” Then he turns his attention back to his cell phone.

              The Red Mist billows up and surrounds Billy's body. Inside the crimson fog, the man's clothes begin to dissolve, and he feels his feet leave the ground and his cell phone slip from his fingers as the Red Mist lifts him. Billy begins to scream.

              Krynshar says into his cell phone, “Little Mist, you’re so stupid!”

              Screaming in fear, Billy begs, “Please, I don't like this! Stop! Stop!!!”

              Through the cell phone, Little Mist responds, “Hello, sir!”

              The Red Mist pulses and exert an enormous amount of pressure on Billy's body. He groans as he feels the weight of the Mist grow so great that his body begins to yield and reshape underneath its pressure. His torso and chest begin to take on a cylindrical shape as his neck starts thickening.

              Krynshar says into his cell phone, "Come to the lobby now!"

              Billy's moans grow louder as the Red Mist continues to reshape his body. The man squirms helplessly as his arms begin to recede into his cylindrical torso. His long legs start shrinking, decreasing in length as his asscheeks begin to swell, growing in great shuddering pulses as they absorb the mass of his dwindling legs and swell into enormous balls. Billy's eyes go wide with horror as his head begins to take the mushroom shape of a glans.

              Little Mist’s voice chirps through the phone, “Yes sir! I'm going there now.”

              Krynshar ends the call and reaches out to take Billy's floating cell phone. As his fingers curl around it, the cloud of dense Red Mist instantly dissipates and Billy falls heavily to the ground, transformed into a giant Dick Freak.

              Krynshar starts looking at Adolf's profile on the messaging app in Billy's cell phone.

              Little Mist rushes into the lobby, looks at the Dick Freak on the floor, and then looks up at Krynshar, who stares at him with furrowed eyebrows.

              Krynshar points his finger in the direction of the phrase written on the wall of the building. “You will correct this stupidity you did, and after that you will go to my office; I have a new mission for you.”

              Little Mist stands to attention and responds, "Yes, sir!"

              Krynshar walks in the direction of the door, stops, and turns in the direction of Little Mist. "And remove that Dick Freak from the front of the door. This is too eye-catching to be exposed here."

              "Yes, sir!" Little Mist answers again.

              Krynshar passes through the lobby and closes the door.

              Little Mist drags Billy a little to the right, removing him from in front of the door.

              Billy twitches and throbs on the floor. His eyes are wide as he tries to scream. “Hmmmmm-MMMMMMmm-Huhuhmmm!”

              Little Mist looks at Billy again, then looks at the phrase written on the wall and sighs.



              The door to Krynshar's office opens, and Little Mist walks in with his head down. Krynshar, seated behind the desk in his office working on his computer, notices Little Mist's entrance and instructs, "Little Mist, repeat what I told you earlier."

              Little Mist stands to attention and responds, “Yes, sir!” He then raises his voice, saying, “You will correct this stupidity you did, and after that, you will go to my office; I have a new mission for you.”

              Krynshar nods positively. “Good. And have you corrected the stupidity yet?”

              Little Mist is silent, thinking for 5 seconds, and finally says, “Yes, sir!”

              Krynshar smiles. “Good. I hope the wall is clean and shining.”

              Little Mist silently widens his eyes and stares with a doubtful expression at Krynshar.

              Krynshar narrows his eyes and stares at Little Mist. “Did you remove that Dick Freak from in front of the door?”

              Little Mist nods positively. “Yes, sir!”

              Krynshar smiles again. “Great. I was worried about him getting too much attention up front.”

              Little Mist silently turns his head to the right in doubt and nods thoughtfully.

              Krynshar shows a photo of a man on Billy's cell phone screen to Little Mist. “This is Adolf. He knows too much. I want you to capture him and bring him to me.”

              Little Mist nods positively. “Yes, sir!”

              Krynshar turns his face to his computer screen. “You can go now. I have a lot of work to do.” Without another glance, he starts typing.

              Little Mist, excited to have a new mission, smiles and says, “And when I find him, will you be proud?”

              Krynshar rolls his eyes. “I’m working. Leave."

              Little Mist lowers his head, turns, and starts walking back towards the door, then turns his face to Krynshar and says, “Any advice, sir?”

              Krynshar sighs and looks at Little Mist. “Bring the right target this time and remember to disguise yourself.” Then Krynshar looks back at his computer screen. “Now, leave.”

              Little Mist nods, “Yes, sir!” and walks back towards the door, then, again, turns to Krynshar, “Why should I disguise myself?”

              Krynshar furrows his eyebrows and looks at Little Mist again. “Because you're going to attract a lot of attention in your original form, and we don't want that.”

              Little Mist spins toward the door, then spins back toward Krynshar. “Why don’t we want that?”

              Krynshar takes a deep breath and says, “Because this could ruin your mission. You could scare people, which would result in people desperately running from you or wanting to attack you.” Then Krynshar slowly turns his face towards his computer while Little Mist continues to stare. “Now, get out!”

              Little Mist nods positively. “Yes, sir!” Then he walks to the door, grabs the handle and looks at Krynshar. “I am so powerful! What are the chances of someone wanting to attack me?”

              Krynshar raises his voice. “They are increasing!”

              Little Mist widens his eyes, closes the door, and runs away.

              Krynshar turns his attention to the computer and thinks aloud, “Finally, peace.” Then he stares thoughtfully at the computer screen. “Why do I feel like I should go check on Little Mist’s tasks?”

              Little Mist goes through the hiding place door and flies off on his mission while Billy Dick continues throbbing and flailing on the ground in front of the building. His eyes are wide as he tries to scream. “Hmmmmmm Mmmmm Hummhumm!”



              In the form of a soft mist, Little Mist crawls through the corridors of the city mall until he passes in front of the arcade room. Little Mist stops crawling and stands there, thinking. Realizing it's the arcade, Little Mist enters, thinking about finding his target, Adolf.

              After crawling all over the arcade and not finding his target, Little Mist thinks, “He must not be here yet!” So, he considers a way to disguise himself, preparing to wait for Adolf at the agreed meeting point with his friend Billy.

              Little Mist looks around the arcade room and spots a claw machine full of plush toys. Without thinking twice, Little Mist dissolves into mist, trickles into the claw machine, and takes the form of a plush. Lying on top of the other plush toys, Little Mist waits at the entrance for Adolf to arrive.

              It doesn't take long for Adolf to enter the arcade, and Little Mist immediately identifies him. Little Mist starts laughing mischievously, jumps out of the claw machine, and runs towards Adolf. Poking the man’s leg, Little Mist says, "Hey!"

              Adolf, looking down at the plush shaking a cell phone at him, says, “Wow! I didn’t know this arcade had animatronics.”

              Little Mist opens his cell phone camera, saying, “Come on! Come here!” and stretches the arm holding the cell phone. Adolf leans in, confused. As Little Mist takes a photo, he commands Adolf, “Now wait there!”

              While Little Mist types on his cell phone, Adolf looks around, bewildered. “Wait? Why?"

              Little Mist finishes typing excitedly. “Yay! It's you! You are the Adolf!” Adolf, surprised, asks, “How do you know my name? Was it Billy who programmed you?”

              Little Mist points at Adolf, saying, “Nobody programmed me, because I'm not programmable! I am a very powerful being, and I came to take you with me. It's better for you if you cooperate!”

              Adolf, still confused, looks around and yells, “Okay, Billy, you can come out of wherever you are.” He rolls his eyes and laughs derisively. “Very, very funny. Ha... ha... ha.”

              Little Mist, hands on hips, retorts, “Your friend Billy can’t hear you! Right now, he is in a super-secret hiding place struggling on the floor in the form of a big dick!”

              Adolf is surprised by what he just heard and exclaims, “Are you serious, Billy?! Are you going to come out of wherever you're hiding, or are you scared of losing to me again at Daytona USA 2?!”

              Little Mist resumes his original form and points his finger at Adolf. “It looks like I'm going to have to take you by force! You will come with me now!”

              Shocked by Little Mist’s true form, Adolf takes two steps back. “What the fuck are you?!”

              At that moment, a girl playing nearby hears the commotion and, upon seeing the demonic form of Little Mist, screams in panic. This causes a chaotic scene as people start running and screaming around the arcade room.

              Little Mist emanates his Red Mist, covering the entire arcade room, causing everyone except Adolf to fall asleep. Seeing that he had taken care of the impossible problem he had caused, Little Mist smiles and points at Adolf, who is standing there, dazed. “Look what you made me do! My master Krynshar won't be proud of me if I screw up!”

              Adolf raises a finger in curiosity. “Krynshar? That famous plastic surgeon?”

              Little Mist crosses his arms and shakes his head. “He’s not a surgeon!” Pointing at Adolf again, he vehemently adds, “He is the greatest villain of all time with incredible and unparalleled powers! And he is also my master, and I really want to make him proud! That’s why I’m going to capture you!”

              Adolf, in denial, raises his hands. “What kind of master is proud when his subordinates capture people? He’s not proud of you.”

              Little Mist gets angry. “Of course, he's proud of me!" Turning the cell phone screen to Adolf, he says, "Look! He even sent me a thumbs-up when I asked!"

              Adolf looks at Little Mist's cell phone screen and nods. "Hmmm. That's not a thumb."

              Little Mist sends spirals of the Red Mist hanging around the room toward Adolf, and they dissolve his clothes. “Now that you're in contact with Red Mist, I can do whatever I want with you!”

              Adolf yelps in surprise as his clothes disappear. “What the fuck?”

              Little Mist starts laughing as Adolf, embarrassed, tries to cover his dick with one of his hands. The man yells, “Why did you vanish my clothes?!”

              Little Mist puts his hands on his hips. "Because also vanishing your hair would too much.”

              Adolf gets angry and shakes the arm that isn't covering his dick. “That doesn’t make any sense!”

              Little Mist laughs and begins to stretch his arms towards Adolf. His arms and hands gradually increase in size as they approach Adolf.

              Adolf gets scared and starts to run in panic away from Little Mist's ever-growing hands, his dick flopping openly as he runs.

              Little Mist smiles and says, “I’ll catch you!” His hands suddenly increase vastly in size, reaching Adolf. Adolf looks around wildly, only to realize that there is no longer any escape from the the giant hands. Little Mist claps his hands together with Adolf in the middle of them, crushing the man.

              Little Mist separates his hands, and Adolf's body is flattened as a result of the impact of the enormous hands against his body, which had been made moldable by the Red Mist.

              Little Mist's hands return to normal size, and Adolf flutters to the ground like a piece of fabric. Little Mist mischievously rubs the hands, saying, “Flattened in this degrading and helpless way you can no longer resist!”

              Adolf looks around in fear and tries to scream, but all he can do is moan. “Huuuumnuuhmmmmmrrr!”

              Little Mist rolls Adolf up, puts him under one arm and walks away.



              Arriving at Krynshar's hiding place, on the ground on the way to the entrance, Little Mist sees an air pump on the ground that he had used the other day. Little Mist looks down at Adolf, who is groaning under his arm, then looks back at the air pump and again looks at Adolf. A big mischievous smile spreads across Little Mist's face.

              Little Mist quickly unrolls Adolf on the floor, picks up the air pump tube on the floor and thoughtfully begins to stare at Adolf, looking for a hole “Last time the penis hole wasn’t a good choice.”

              Adolf, not understanding what is coming, remains silent, looking up at Little Mist in fear.

              Little Mist hooks his fingers under Adolf's waist and lifts it up enough for him to look underneath. Smiling with satisfaction at having found a hole that looks promising, Little Mist shoves the air pump up Adolf's ass.

              Adolf moans as he tries to scream. "Nhuuuuuumrrrr!"

              Little Mist begins pumping air through Adolf's asshole, and the man begins to inflate, but very slowly. Uncomfortable with the delay, Little Mist begins to inspect Adolf's body, only to notice that the air is escaping through his mouth. Little Mist pulls a bottle of glue out of his own body and glues Adolf's lips together, keeping them closed.

              Little Mist pumps air again, and this time Adolf starts to inflate faster until he becomes a balloon lying on the ground. Little Mist is very excited to have finally managed to inflate a man and starts playing trampoline by jumping on Adolf's inflated breasts while the inflated man moans in horrified despair.

              “One... two... three... four... five... six... seven…” says Little Mist while jumping on Adolf's chest. Then Little Mist raises one of his fingers to his chin in thought as he continues jumping, suddenly silent in thought. Little Mist looks towards Adolf's face as he jumps. "What number comes after seven?"

              With his mouth sealed, Adolf can only manage a moan. “Huummr?”

              Little Mist smiles, raises his arms, and continues the count while jumping on Adolf's chest. "Huummr... nine... ten... eleven..."

              Mid-jump, Little Mist decides to jump on Adolf's big belly and spins towards it with a “Wooooow!” But Adolf's big bouncy belly sends Little Mist hurtling higher and further than he had expected. He falls face down on the ground, while Adolf's body, in response to the impact, slowly bounces away in the opposite direction, the man moaning each time his inflated body hits the ground.

              Little Mist lifts his face off the ground with an angry expression and then looks towards Adolf. Seeing him bouncing on the ground, the angry expression immediately turns into another mischievous smile.

              Little Mist gets up from the ground and runs towards Adolf. Little Mist yanks the air pump tube out of Adolf's ass, raises one arm, wiggles his fingers, and then, smiling, thrusts his arm into Adolf's inflated ass and begins to emanate Red Mist inside Adolf through his arm.

              Adolf's body parts begin to take flight as buoyant Red Mist accumulates inside his body. As soon as Adolf's entire body moves away from the ground, Little Mist separates his arm from his body and leaves it stuck inside Adolf's ass as a plug, while tendrils of Red Mist thicken to form a new arm for Little Mist.

              Adolf starts to move too far away from the ground. Realizing that Adolf is going to fly away, Little Mist reaches out and tugs him back down, then grabs the base of Adolf's penis with one hand and the tip of the penis with the other hand. He pulls his hands wider and wider apart, stretching the penis and deforming it. He releases Adolf and the inflated man starts to float, and Little Mist holds on to Adolf's stretched penis like a rope to fly along.

              Little Mist is having so much fun playing with Adolf this way. He looks around while swinging his feet, yelling, “It’s so much more fun to fly like this!”

              The glue that kept Adolf's lips sealed had been straining to withstand the air pressure and the Red Mist inside the man, and it suddenly breaks, allowing the lips to separate and causing the air and Red Mist that were inside Adolf to quickly begin to leak out through his mouth.

              Noticing that Adolf's body is starting to become unstable, Little Mist immediately let’s go of Adolf's penis and begins to hover, standing still in the sky as he watches the man deflate.

              The clone of Little Mist's arm that was stuck up Adolf's ass also comes loose and falls to the roof of the hiding place, releasing the Red Mist and air out through another large hole. Adolf rapidly flies in circles and from side to side as he is deflated until he collides with the roof of the hiding place and deflates completely.

              Little Mist flies towards the hiding place, lands on the roof, and walks towards Adolf, who is stretched and deformed in front of him. “Now what?…" he asks. “How are we going to have fun?”

              Adolf moans in helpless fear. “Huuuummrrrr Nhuhmmmmmmmm.”

              At this moment, Little Mist's cell phone starts ringing. Little Mist pulls out his cell phone from his mist belly, looks at Adolf, and says, “Oh, wait one minute!” He answers his cell phone. “Hello, sir!”

              On the other end, Krynshar is impatient. “Why all this delay? Did you do something stupid again?”

              Little Mist responds, “I achieved, sir! I captured Adolf!”

              “Then bring him to me immediately!” Krynshar shouts.

              “Yes, sir!” Says Little Mist on the cell phone while Krynshar hangs up the call.

              Little Mist puts his cell phone back inside his body, grabs Adolf by his elongated penis stretched out on the floor, and jumps from the roof to the floor in front of the lobby. At this moment, Adolf looks at Billy, and Billy looks back at Adolf, and they both recognize each other and begin to moan at each other in an attempt to scream.

              Little Mist makes his way through the lobby to Krynshar's room, pulling Adolf behind him by the penis.



              The door to Krynshar's office opens, and Little Mist enters, dragging Adolf by his penis. “Here's the target, sir!”

              Krynshar is sitting behind his desk and looks silently at Adolf, lying crumpled and deflated on the floor.

              Little Mist looks at Krynshar, then looks at Adolf, then looks back at Krynshar. “I just...”

              Krynshar interrupts him. “No. I do not want to know."

              Little Mist nods positively. “Yes, sir!”

              Krynshar turns his attention to the computer screen on his desk. “He's the right target. He will no longer be a problem for the security of my hiding place. Take him to the warehouse with the other victims."

              Little Mist smiles with joy. “Yes, sir!” Pulling Adolf by his penis, he goes through the door and closes it, but accidentally closes it in Adolf's face, who groans as he tries to shout.


              Krynshar shouts, “Beware of my door! If you break it, you will fix it!”

              Little Mist looks back and opens the office door again. “Sorry, sir!” He finishes pulling Adolf through the door and closes it gently.

              Krynshar breathes calmly. “Finally, my hiding place is secret again.”



              A person passing in front of Krynshar's hiding place looks at the message scrawled in huge red letters on the wall. "Here is my master Krynshar's hiding place!" He screams in sudden panic when he looks down and sees Billy Dick lying there, on the ground in front of the building, struggling and moaning.

Cowritten by Krynshar and nowvoyager64

Behind the Red Mist: Chaos Toon Ch 2


See my thoughts behind the entire creation of this chapter.

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