Andrew Himbo Pig
The events of this story take place after those of the story of: Ethan Slut Cow
It is not necessary to read the story before this one to understand it, but if you do, you will have a better experience.
One Saturday morning, Andrew is working out at his local gym, called Day Fit. In the middle of Andrew’s training, the bell to the door to the gym jingles as it opens and a handsome man walks in, glancing around. The receptionist welcomes him with a smile: "Hello! I've never seen you around here – you don't have a record, right? My name is Bryan, what's your name? Would you like to know our payment combos?”
His eyes still flitting around the gym at the various men working out, the new potential client explains to the receptionist, "Hi Bryan. Just call me K. You're right, I don't have a record. Before learning about your pay combos, I'd like to check out the gym. I've recently moved into town and am choosing a new gym to attend. I've heard great things about Day Fit but would like to have my own experience."
Bryan nods, his grin unwavering. "Of course! You can take a free trial! Hey! Gabriel!"
Gabriel, one of the academy instructors, waves and replies, "Hey!"
Bryan points to the newcomer and says, "He's called K, and he's taking a free trial today. Help him out, please."
"Of course!" Gabriel responds, jogging over. Gabriel extends his hand to K and says, "Hello K! What's your purpose in coming here to work out? Do you have any problems with any joints?"
K seems unimpressed by Gabriel’s bubbly welcome. "Spare me these standard questions. I already know what I'm doing. I'm going to stay on the treadmill back there for a few minutes and then test other gym equipment. If I have any questions, I'll call you."
Gabriel’s eyebrows raise in a slight expression of surprise, but he gestures around to the gym and says "Of course... Feel free.”
K nods and begins to head toward the treadmill at the back of the gym, where he can get a wide view of most of the men working out on the gym equipment in front of him.
Andrew works out for two reasons: first, because he loves it. But second, and more importantly, because he loves the attention. That feeling of having all eyes on him as he works through each rep. Whenever he works out, he does everything he can to get it. As Andrew pulled downward out on the Vertical Traction equipment, he began to grunt with each rep, loudly enough that even people working out with headphones could hear him.
The sound of the grunts immediately catches K’s attention, and as the handsome stranger continues walking on his treadmill, he begins to stare right at the grunting exhibitionist.
A short time later, Andrew picks up two dumbbells and starts working out, admiring himself in the mirror and hoping the guys around the gym are noticing the big he worked hard for.
Noticing this, K gets off the treadmill and, with a hunting look on his face, starts walking towards Andrew. "Maybe he's the one I'll choose," K thinks, but then he hears a shout coming from his left.
“Hey new guy!”
K looks in the direction of the yell. The man who shouted is seated on the bench press, near the entrance to the gym, looking towards him. “I see you are not using any equipment right now,” the meathead says, waving him over. “Could you help me here on the bench press?”
Feeling impatient, K forces a smile on his face and replies, “Sure...” With a glance back at the grunting exhibitionist, K sighs and walks towards the man on the bench press.
As he holds the bench press bar of the man doing his exercise, K distractedly watches Andrew working out with the dumbbells. The handsome exhibitionist is still looking for attention, flexing and exaggerating every move as he looks at himself in the mirror. K grins.
The bench press man realizes he is pushing harder than expected and says, “Hey! Hey! New guy! You're not pushing hard enough to help me."
K keeps looking in Andrew's direction, ignoring the man speaking below. Without realizing he’s caught the attention of the mysterious newcomer, Andrew drops the dumbbells on the floor, takes off his shirt, holds it in one hand, and starts posing in the mirror to look at himself and to get other people's attention.
At that moment, K lets go of the bench press. It lands on the chest of the man below, who immediately yells, “Oof! Hey! What are you doing?! You’re crazy! H-help!"
Ignoring the man’s screams, K turns and walks towards Andrew. “Fuck it, I'm tired of this. He's the one I want," he thinks. Immediately, K's eyes begin to glow red, and a few tendrils of Red Mist begin to emanate from his body, trickling toward the ground.
One of the men walking on a treadmill in the back of the gym notices the strange crimson fog beginning to pool at K's feet. "What the fuck is this?!" he exclaims as wisps of the mist begin to crawl across the gym floor.
Faint fingers of Red Mist begin creeping low along the floor toward the ends of the gym, reaching the nearby entrance first. The receptionist Bryan looks up from his phone and furrows his eyebrows in confusion as he notices the trickling red fog. He stands slowly, wondering what is going on as it creeps toward his desk. Though it had been faint and low to the ground at first, the Red Mist gradually begins to darken and intensify, getting denser as it starts to climb and pool about people’s knees as they work out. Slowly, more and more people in the gym begin to notice the developing mist. They glance around anxiously, their eyes tracking the tendrils of mist until they realize the strange fog’s origin: K.
Andrew, now waist-deep in the rising fog, realizes too late that the Red Mist is emanating from K. His jaw drops as he realizes the handsome stranger’s eyes are glowing red. K grins and takes a single step towards Andrew. Dropping his shirt on the floor, Andrew stumbles backward and begins to run in the opposite direction, toward the locker room where he could lock himself inside and hope the door would block entrance to the Red Mist.
When he sees K begin to follow Andrew, Bryan turns to run out the entrance to the gym, but realizes it’s covered by the densest part of the Red Mist. He steps back, looking fearfully at the building wall of fog in front of him, but sets his jaw and hardens his resolve. Covering his nose and mouth with his elbow, Bryan holds his breath and plunges into the fog, reaching for the door handle. Just as his fingers graze the knob, the Red Mist throbs and they slacken, and Bryan slumps to the floor in a deep sleep. As he runs, Andrew sees the people around the gym begin to drop into deep sleep one by one as the Red Mist fills the room. Upon reaching the locker room door, Andrew notices that it is already covered in an impenetrable wall of Red Mist and backs away, looking around for somewhere – anywhere! – to run.
K’s laughter begins to echo through the gym, which is now entirely filled with Red Mist, sleeping gymgoers, and Andrew.
Andrew looks toward K in terror and realizes he’s the only one left standing. Looking for a way to defend himself, he fumbles in the dense fog around his feet and his fingers close around a pair of dumbbells. He straightens up and hauls his arm back, looking in anger and fear toward K.
K grins, a darkly handsome smile beneath those flashing red eyes. “Dumbbells? Cute."
Andrew heaves the dumbbells in K's direction, one right after the other. But in an instant, a thick wall of Red Mist coalesces around the handsome stranger, entirely obscuring him from view. The dumbbells vanish into the mist, and Andrew narrows his eyes, peering forward as he backs slowly away, hoping he was angling toward the gym’s emergency back door. Seconds of silence pass. Too many seconds. Suddenly, far too late, Andrew hears the heavy clattering of the dumbbells falling to the ground.
"D-did I miss?" he wonders. For a beat, all Andrew can hear is his own heartbeat. Then, the thick silence is split with the chilling sound of laughter coming from behind just him. Andrew’s heart leaps and he spins, raising his fists to fight – but then he sees a thick wall of dense Red Mist, and within it those red eyes, and in a heartbeat… Andrew falls into a deep sleep.
When Andrew wakes up, lethargic and aching, with his eyes still closed, the first thing he wonders is what he did last night to leave him so hungover. The second and third things he wonders are why he’s naked and why he’s sleeping on the grass.
Then, he hears it: heavy breathing above him. The memories of the misty gym and the red-eyed stranger crash upon Andrew like a wave, and when he suddenly feels the brush of gentle fingers across his body. He tries to pull away in fear, but nothing happens. His body remains stubbornly still, out of his control. “What am I going to do?” he wonders. But then voices begin to speak.
“What are yooOOOOoouu going to do with him?” The man’s voice is unfamiliar, and strange to Andrew – he didn’t know why, but the strange animalish lowing of the man’s elongated “you” sent a strange rush of apprehension through him.
Then, a voice responds that Andrew knows: K.
“I already told you to stop mooing, Slut Cow! You will wake him up.”
The unknown voice retorts, “but this takes a long time, and I'm curious to know what animal you're going to turn this guy into! M-mooOOOOOOOooo!”
In sudden fear and confusion – what did the strange voice mean by that? why had he been kidnapped? was this code for drug trafficking? – Andrew cracks open his eyes.
Noticing this, K sighs. "Look what you've done, Slut Cow!"
The sight that meets Andrew’s eyes sends jolts of horror through him. K kneels in front of him, the handsome stranger’s eyes still glowing red. His right hand rests gently on Andrew’s prone body, which lies stretched out in a grassy field, circled with Red Mist. But even more shocking is the one K is talking to – the one K kept calling “Slut Cow.” Andrew could only describe him as a man-cow hybrid freak.
Suddenly, the meaning of the man-cow’s words make horrifying sense to Andrew. He tries to scream as loud as he can, hoping someone – anyone! – can hear him. But he realizes his mouth seems strangely immobile, and instead of opening it wide to scream, all Andrew his able to do is moan.
Furious at the turn of events, K says, "Get out of here, Ethan!" Then a part of the Red Mist encircling the green grass field starts heading towards him. Without even trying to run, Ethan immediately apologizes. “M-mooOOOoo! Sorry sir! MooooOOOOooo! Please! M-mooOOOOoo—” The Red Mist suddenly swells up and over him, covering him completely. The mooing sounds, from one second to the next, stop.
Andrew stops moaning in sudden shock, surprised and confused by the abrupt end to the man’s – cow’s? – mooing sounds.
With a satisfied look on his face, K takes a deep, calming breath. “Finally, silence to work.” Then, emanating Red Mist from one of his hands, he passes his fingers over Andrew's eyes, and the helpless exhibitionist finds himself again falling into a deep sleep.
When Andrew next drifts into consciousness, it’s to the distant sound of a clanking cowbell and complaining, strangely human mooing. Again, the memories, the fear, the panic all rushes back and his eyes shoot open. Andrew realizes he’s lying on his side in the same green grass field surrounded by a very dense Red Mist. There’s something odd in his field of vision -- something on his nose, maybe?
A shuddering thrill runs through Andrew’s body, all of his muscles twitching and pulsing, suddenly alive, and with it comes the realization that he’s once again in control – he can move now! With a grunt of effort, he begins to try to heave himself up, but he quickly realizes that his body movements are responding differently. His legs and arms aren’t bending the way he’s used to, and… and why is he having trouble holding himself upright…?
Andrew twists his neck to look down toward his hands and realizes that even his neck isn’t working right – it’s got his head pointing strangely forward, making it hard for him to see the rest of himself. But he keeps trying, and soon he manages to catch sight of his horrifying new body.
When Andrew’s screaming starts, he can’t help but notice how it’s interspersed with pig grunts. The something in his field of vision, right between his eyes, twitches with every grunt, and Andrew blushes deeply when the truth of it hits him: that’s his nose. His new nose. His pig nose.
Over the sounds of Andrew’s grunts and shouting, the cowbell he had been hearing starts to clank faster and get louder. Scared, Andrew realizes he needs to do something – anything! – and after a lot of effort, he manages to heave himself fully up onto his four stumpy legs, hating the feeling of his thick piggy belly hanging between his four fat thighs. He cranes his neck, taking in the sight of his bizarrely altered body. This shouldn’t even be possible.
The ridiculous cow-man-thing from before comes running out of the fog, the bell around his neck clanking as he gallops towards Andrew. Andrew recognizes the bovine freak from the time he woke up earlier – Ethan was his name, right?
Ethan stops short and stares, his eyes big. “M-m-mooOOOoooo! A pig! Oh my god, I should’ve – m-moOOOOOoooo – guessed!”
Andrew shakes his head on his thick neck, and he blushes deeply as he realizes he can feel two piggy ears flapping on either side of his face. This can’t be really happening. “P-pi...pig?!”
Ethan shakes his head, the cowbell clanking absurdly. “Damn! He sent me to another part of the Mist! I wanted toOOOOoo watch your transformation to know what it's like! MoooOOOOoooo!”
Andrew notices that Ethan is having the same trouble he is getting through his words without mooing or squealing. “Transformation?! Oink! What… h-how…?”
The ridiculous cow in front of Andrew shook his head, looking the newly transformed pig-man up and down. “MooooOOOOoo… I know you have a lot of questions on your mind right now. I did tooOOOOooo.” Ethan lets out an involuntary moo right as Andrew emits a squeal he can’t suppress, before continuing, "Many of your questions probably won't be answered... But getting scared and running away won't solve anything, given that you’re now trapped in that freak body."
Andrew despairs and yells, “Freak?! Oink! I need to get out of here and get help!” Without waiting for a response, Andrew takes off running towards the dense Red Mist area. He can feel his belly swinging below him as he runs on his absurdly short legs, his thick thighs rubbing together as his curly tail bounces behind him. He can’t stop seeing his flattened piggy nose, spread wide in the middle of his face, obscuring his vision.
Ethan calls out behind him, “MoooOOOOoooo! M-moOOOoo! I told you that running away will not solve anything!”
Ignoring Ethan's screams, Andrew plunges into the dense Red Mist area, still squealing as he runs.
Ethan rolls his eyes. “Ugh… Better let him figure it out for himself,” he thinks, and lowers himself down onto his side to wait in the grass.
Sometime later, Ethan starts to hear breathless, panting grunting coming from his left.
“Oink! Heeeeeelp! Oink-Oink!”
Rolling his eyes, Ethan turns toward the sound and mutters to himself, “MooOOooo! So that's the direction he's coming from."
A few moments later, Andrew trots out of the dense Red Mist's and stops short when he sees Ethan, nearly tripping on his own clumsy pig legs. "What?! Oink! What the fuck are you doing here?? How did you get here before me if I was running?! Oink-Oink!”
Ethan sighs. “MrrooOOOOoooo! I didn't leave the place!”
Andrew looks down at the grass, snorting through his ridiculous new pig nose as he tries to catch his breath. “No! Oink! It makes no sense! Oink!”
Ethan nods. “Mooooo! That's what I was trying to t..."
Not listening, Andrew gallops back into the dense Red Mist, screaming “Heeeeeelp! Oink!”
Ethan rolls his eyes. “MooOOOooo… I don’t even want to imagine his reaction when he finds out about the training,” he thinks, and he lays his head on the ground and keeps waiting.
Cowritten by Krynshar and nowvoyager64