The artwork is organized by Krynsharverses. Each Krynsharvese has its own transformation theme and story that is told in chapters through different pieces of art.
You can download the artworks in their original quality on their story pages.
Demon Diary
Genre: Thriller
Krynshar writes in his diary about his day hunting his prey, humiliating them in different ways. This is the main Krynsharverse, and all the others are its branches.

Chapter 1
Freak Animals
Genre: Thriller
Krynshar is a hunter who looks for bitches to hunt and turn into his works of art: hybrid animal freaks. He then imprisons them in a field surrounded by Red Mist so that one day they will perform at a Freak Show.
Ethan Slut Cow

Chapter 1
Andrew Himbo Pig

Chapter 2
Moto Horny Dog

Chapter 3
Amp Drooling Dog

Chapter 4
Chaos Toon
Genre: Comedy
Krynshar is a villain who enjoys collecting and turning bitches into degrading things. Thanks to this fun hobby, he is wanted by the police for kidnapping, so he used his Red Mist to create Little Mist and have him kidnap bitches while Krynshar himself stays in hiding, plotting new evil plans. Little Mist is as powerful as he is stupid, which causes confusion and unforeseen events.
Daniel Flat Inflatable Doll

Chapter 1
Adolf Deflated Balloon


Chapter 2
Cursed Wishes
Genre: Thriller
Krynshar disguises himself as a Genie and places his lamp next to hot bitches who, by supposedly invoking him, are given the opportunity to ask for a wish. Krynshar will grant these bitches’ wishes with his Red Mist, but he will interpret their chosen words so as to grant their wishes in his own way.
Aaron Tube Guy

Chapter 1
Red Taste
Genre: Parody
Echo narrates the stories of Krynshar, who wants to be a cook whose dishes are appreciated by the people. The problem is that Krynshar cooks very poorly and has a very sensitive temperament. People better be polite when tasting his food. In this Krynsharverse, many things don't seem to make sense, and this irritates the narrator Echo, who has a strong personality and can't help but add his comments (or criticisms?) to the story. Audio stories.
​Note: This Krynsharverse is a PARODY, making it the only universe where Krynshar’s personality and motivations are altered to make everything much more ridiculous.
Aaron Christmas Cookie

Chapter 1
Banjo Donut

Chapter 2
Horror Theatre
Genre: Horror
Krynshar does shows in his macabre theatre with his puppets. The problem is that his puppets don't like it, but they have no choice. In stories told by the acts of a show, victims are turned into puppets and forced to perform.
Anton Puppet

Chapter 1
Adolf Puppet

Chapter 2
Madness Paint
Krynshar captures his victims and traps them in a canvas, then proceeds to erase limbs and redraw them in insane ways. All this fun is divided into several pages of a TF sequence.
Ethan Into Canvas

Chapter 1
Dollhouse Doom
Krynshar invades his victims' homes, turns them into dolls, then takes them to a dollhouse and plays with them. All this fun is divided into pages of a comic.
Aaron Doll

Chapter 1
Hog Scream
Fast Krynsharverse
Krynshar walks the streets in search of the strongest smell of inappropriate thoughts coming from bitches around the city. When Krynshar finds the smell, he sneaks into the house of the bitch having these thoughts and transforms him into a hog for fun. Video "short stories".
Ethan Hog

Chapter 1
Moto Hog

Chapter 2
Crimson Garden
Fast Krynsharverse
Perverts who enter Crimson Garden never leave. Krynshar transforms the perverts who enter the Crimson Garden into plants that can only groan as they clumsily move their leaves. Video "short stories".
Daniel Plant

Chapter 1
Original Characters
Learn more about the personality, abilities, and curiosities about the characters.
Little Mist

Chaos Toon



Flying Forks

Red Taste
