Daniel Flat Inflatable Doll
In this new funny universe, to capture his victims, Krynshar uses Little Mist, a helper creature created from Red Mist. Here, things don’t always go as expected.
The office door drifts open. Through it walks a squat creature made of dense mist, holding an empty paint bucket in one hand and a brush wet with red paint in the other. In a thin voice, the creature creaks out a greeting. “Little Mist, introducing himself to the service as requested! What do you need me for, Master Krynshar?”
Krynshar, sitting behind his office desk, glances at what Little Mist is holding in his hands and then looks back at his face. Little Mist widens his eyes and stands anxiously on his toes, looking at Krynshar's face. Still silent, Krynshar rests his elbows on the table and his chin on his fingers and continues staring thoughtfully at Little Mist. A deep silence takes over the room.
Little Mist breaks the silence suddenly by dropping the paint bucket and brush to the floor and starts, "I..."
Krynshar interrupts him. "I don't even want to know what you were doing with that."
"Yes Sir..." Little Mist whines, lowering his head.
Krynshar looks down at Little Mist and sighs. "I'll be busy plotting evil plans...because I'm a villain and villains do that. Then you'll be responsible for capturing a new bitch for me."
Then Krynshar tosses a printed photo toward Little Mist. The creature lunges to catch the photo and peers down at it. It depicts two men, and it seems to have been taken surreptitiously as they walked down the street.
Krynshar smiles. "These men are two friends. They study together at the biggest college in town, and they often go for walks together after class. The one on the left is called Andrew. Bring Andrew to me. He is the target I chose. This should be a simple task. Just wait in front of the university library until you see Andrew, then follow him until he is alone and capture him.”
Little Mist bobs his head vigorously. "Yes Sir! How do you want me to bring him to you?"
"Be creative,” Krynshar says dismissively. “Turn him into something that makes him easy to carry and prevents him from reacting. Whatever you choose is fine – just bring him to me.”
Little Mist starts emanating Red Mist, causing the creature’s own body to become less and less dense, and nods again. "Yes Sir! I'll bring the blonde to you as soon as possib-"
Krynshar interrupts him. "I said it's the one on the left."
Now barely visible, Little Mist responds, “The one on the left!!! Understood Sir!" Then the final remnants of Little Mist's body finally melt away into the Red Mist, and the creature disappears.
Krynshar sighs.
Sometime later, tendrils of Red Mist begin to accumulate and condense in a single small spot behind a tree across the street in front of the largest college in the city. The forming cloud of Red Mist begins to take shape, and eventually Little Mist’s mischievous grin breaks into view.
The little creature thinks, “Getting to this college was easy! Now I just have to wait for Andrew to come out of that gate.”
Little Mist peeks part of his head out from behind the tree so he can watch people leaving college and walking down the street. He watches a handful of people go by until he sees a parent and child passing in front of the college and remembers, "Oooh… first I need to do one more thing..."
Little Mist ducks back behind the tree. His misty body begins to bubble and roil before settling into a less noticeable form: that the human child Little Mist had just spotted. "Ready! Now I can go unnoticed! I'm an evil genius! Muahahaha…”
His laughter is cut short by the sound of a loud voice. “Hey, Daniel! What do you think about a visit to a sex shop? I want to buy some things to have fun!”
Another voice responds. “I like your idea, Andrew!”
Little Mist’s eyes go wide. “Andrew?!” he thinks. “It must be him!” Then the creature pokes his head out from behind the tree once more and looks towards the college, where he sees the two men from Krynshar’s photo walking out of the gate. “I found them! Muahahaha!”
As the pair of friends begin to wind their way down the sidewalk, Little Mist creeps out from behind the tree and starts following the two men, being careful to maintain a certain distance.
After a few minutes, Daniel leans to over to Andrew and whispers, “Hey, did you see there's been a kid following us since we left the college?”
Andrew glances back and spots a child’s head peering at him from around a garbage can. As he watches, the kid’s eyes grow wide, and he ducks completely behind the can. Andrew raises his eyebrows.
Little Mist crouches down behind the garbage can and curls his little fingers anxiously. “Oh no!” he thinks. “Was I discovered? … I don’t think so, I’m pretty good at it.”
Andrew turns back around again and whispers, "He sucks at this.”
Daniel laughs in agreement. “The worst I've ever seen!”
Andrew hushes Daniel with a look. “Don't laugh! I know who this child is. He’s my boss’s son!”
Shocked, Daniel says, "You can't be serious!"
Andrew nods. “Unfortunately, I am. I work after classes, and lately I've been showing up late for my job because I spend some time having fun with you. I always come up with a different excuse, but this has happened so many times that my boss is probably suspicious. I guess he asked his son to find out why I was late by following me around after school.”
Daniel laughs and leans in conspiratorially. “It would be funny for your boss to know about your perverted after-school activities.”
Andrew responds in a furious whisper. “That would be embarrassing! Let's act natural.”
Little Mist pops his head back out from behind the trash can and watches as the pair of friends begins to walk again.
Daniel stops walking when they turn the corner and he sees the sex shop just ahead. “Hey, we're here! Come on, let's see some perverted toys for us!”
Andrew shakes his head angrily. “Oh no! Not with that spy kid following us, he'll tell my boss if I go in there!"
Daniel rolls his eyes. “Come on! It was your idea to come here! I've already walked this far, and I'm not leaving without buying something!”
“So go in and buy yourself something!” Andrew says, crossing his arms. “I'm going to go into the pharmacy at the end of the street, stay inside for a few minutes, and then go to my job. Then when that spy kid tells my boss he saw me walk into a pharmacy, I can say I was buying some medicine.”
Daniel sighs in defeat. "Okay... We'll meet tomorrow to debut the new toys I'll buy here."
“Surprise me!” Andrew says with a wink. “See you later!”
Daniel winks back at Andrew and watches his friend continue on towards the pharmacy. Rolling his eyes, Daniel turns and enters the sex shop.
Little Mist watches from behind a bush as the pair of friends parts ways and thinks, “Finally! Andrew is alone! I just have to wait for him to get out of that adult toy store!”
After a few minutes, Daniel comes out of the sex shop with a big bag full of purchases. "Who needs Andrew? I bought something special to entertain myself tonight," he thinks, smirking to himself. Daniel tucks his receipt into the bag next to his new inflatable doll and begins walking toward his house.
Little Mist follows Daniel again, rubbing his little hands together in excitement. After a few minutes of creeping along, Little Mist realizes that his prey is now alone on the street, so he dashes toward Daniel and screeches to a halt only a few meters away. “Hey!” he yells.
Daniel stops walking and sighs. “Is this kid still following me?” he thinks. “Shouldn't he have followed Andrew?!" So Daniel impatiently looks back towards Little Mist and demands, "What the fuck do you want, brat?!"
A wicked little grin spreads across the creature’s face. "I'll give you what a bitch like you deserves, Andrew!"
Daniel throws his hands up in exasperation. “My name is not Andrew! And what...”
Little Mist cuts Daniel off. “Shut up, Andrew!”
Daniel shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Fuck all this, I don't care." He turns the other way and starts walking.
An angry Little Mist points his finger at Daniel and screeches, "I'll have to use my special technique on you!"
Hearing what Little Mist said, Daniel turns to him again and scoffs, "To me that just feels like a finger."
Little Mist narrows his eyes. "It's just a finger, but if used the right way, it can be really, really cruel!"
“Oh damn!” laughs Daniel. “It’s that weird conversation Andrew talks about every night!”
Little Mist yells, “Shut up Andrew! Feel the strength of my finger!”
Daniel throws his hands up in mock fear. “Oh, no! Andrew said the finger can only be used when there is intimacy!” As Daniel laughs, Red Mist begins to pour out from Little Mist's body until he resumes original form as a mist creature.
In shock, Daniel drops his shopping bag to the floor. "What the fuck?!" he shouts as his products tumble out of his bag.
As Little Mist settles into his original form, the creature thinks, “Oh no, I didn't plan this next part! And now? What am I going to turn him into?” Glancing around quickly for a solution, Little Mist spots the objects in Daniel's bag lying on the floor, smiles, and then shoots a dense stream of Red Mist from his finger towards Daniel.
As the Red Mist builds around the horrified man, Daniel quickly realizes he’s unable to move his body. He looks around in terror, grateful to be able to at least move his eyes, before a strange ripple runs through his body, which begins to change texture and deflate.
Little Mist grins evilly. “The transformation is almost complete. Now there's only one thing missing..." he mutters to himself. He begins to reach his arms towards Daniel. They stretch toward the terrified, deflated man, longer and longer, while Little Mist's hands build in size until they’re taller than Daniel’s body. Red Mist begins to build around the man as the hands flex and swell. As the creature’s arms and hands encircle his rubbery, slack body, Daniel stares upward in disbelieving horror.
Then Little Mist claps his hands together, capturing Daniel in the middle and crushing him. Daniel’s eyes go wide as everything around him goes suddenly red while the enormous hands collapse and twist his body between their palms. Then, with a delighted chuckle, Little Mist separates his hands and pulls them back as they recede to normal size. The Red Mist that was surrounding Daniel starts to disappear.
No longer suspended between the two enormous red palms, Daniel falls to the floor in a heavy heap. The man’s deflated body is twisted and tangled in strange ways, and he writhes and flops around helplessly with some parts of his body bent over other parts.
Daniel hears an evil little voice filled with glee. “Now you can't run away from me anymore! Muahahaha!” He tries to turn to look toward the voice but can’t manage to flop his body in that direction, so he remains lying on the floor in a crumpled heap.
Little Mist walks towards Daniel and lifts him up, letting the man’s torn and useless clothes fall to the ground around him. Daniel is unable to do anything but let himself be hauled upward to dangle in front of the creature made of Red Mist.
Little Mist looks Daniel’s awkwardly crumpled body up and down and chuckles. “Look at you... You're about 40 meters lighter! ... Or is it 40 liters lighter? Oh, whatever!”
In shock and still unable to move his body, Daniel stammers out, "What the fuck did you do to me?!"
"Shut up, Andrew!" says Little Mist.
“I already told you, my name is not Andrew!” Daniel says angrily.
Little Mist covers Daniel's mouth with one hand and the man feels a sudden strange fullness behind his lips, almost like the rubbery, stretchy texture that had taken over his skin had expanded into his mouth, filling it with soft, yielding material. Daniel’s heart sinks as the strange fullness in his mouth reminds him of the sex doll in his bag.
The helpless, awkwardly transformed man tries to speak, but his mouth feels clumsier than normal, and he’s only able to mumble. "Nhuummm huummm nhurmm."
Little Mist sighs happily. “That’s much better. Come on, Andrew! It's time for you to go meet your new master!"
Daniel feels himself ascend suddenly as Little Mist lifts into the air, carrying the ridiculously deflated man.
The door to Krynshar's office opens with a bang, and Little Mist enters, carrying Daniel in his arms. The little creature chirps, "I'm here, sir!"
He stops abruptly, noticing that on the floor in front of Krynshar's desk, there are two men transformed into perfectly round balls. The shrunken, spherified men are resting on top of piles of police clothes, and one of them has his mouth stuffed with the end of an air pump tube. Little Mist’s master sits behind his desk, looking idly at a cell phone with a bored look on his face.
Without looking away from the phone, Krynshar waves casually toward the spherified men, who are staring up at Little Mist with horrified expressions on their faces. "Can you believe they entered here and were suspecting that this is my hiding place?" he asks. Little Mist stares silently and fixedly at the men turned into balls. Krynshar says, "I'm checking their cell phones and luckily, they haven't reported their suspicions to anyone else yet." Little Mist looks gratefully at Krynshar, silently relieved. Then Krynshar sighs thoughtfully and asks, "What could have made them suspicious?" With a doubtful expression, Little Mist continues to look silently at Krynshar.
Krynshar finally looks over at Little Mist, turns the cell phone screen towards him, then laughs and says, “Look! The one with the mustache poses with his guns on his Instagram! This is so cringe...” He shakes his head and adds, “And he likes his own pictures.” He raises an eyebrow as he looks down at the mustachioed man, who seems to be trying unsuccessfully to spit the air pump out from his mouth. “Honestly, this is better for him.”
Excited to be praised, Little Mist raises Daniel’s deflated body up toward his master. “I did it sir! I achieved! Look! I'm an evil genius!"
Krynshar, sitting behind his desk, runs his eyes over Daniel’s rubbery body. He sets the cell phone on the table and gets up without showing any reaction. He walks towards Little Mist, extends his arms, and picks up Daniel. He looks Daniel up and down, then looks at Little Mist. "Little Mist..." he says.
“Yes sir?” says Little Mist with excitement.
Krynshar’s expression darkens. "May I know... what the fuck is this?"
A doubtful look flits across Little Mist’s face. "Uh… It's a man, sir."
Krynshar throws Daniel to the ground. “I know it's a man, stupid!” he yells. “I mean that you brought me the wrong bitch!”
Daniel says, “Huuumm nhurm nuuurmmm!”
“But how is that possible, sir?” stammers Little Mist. “I brought you the man on the left, as you ordered!”
Krynshar slaps his forehead in exasperation. "No, you dumb creature, you brought the man on the right!"
Little Mist says, "Oh, well that makes sense! I don't know which side is right and which side is left!"
Krynshar takes a deep breath and several seconds pass. Finally, he looks up and sighs deeply. “And why did you choose to turn him into an inflatable doll?”
Little Mist responds "I..."
Krynshar interrupts him. “You know what, forget it. I really don't want to know. You little pervert. Get out of here and bring the right man next time.”
Little Mist nods intensely. “Yes sir! And what do I do with this bitch?”
Krynshar replies, “Do what you want. Tear it up, throw it in the trash can, put it in a box, enjoy it. I don't mind.”
Little Mist looks at Daniel, then looks at the air pump in front of Krynshar's desk, then looks back at Daniel with a spreading smile.
Daniel says, "Nhurm nhuurm... huhn?"
Little Mist picks up the air pump and Daniel off the floor and leaves Krynshar's office.
After leaving Krynshar's hiding place, Little Mist gently places the air pump on the ground and hurls Daniel down next to it. Then the misty creature extends his own arms until they finally separate from his body and fly towards Daniel. The hands grip the helpless man and lift him up, shaking him out like a wrinkled sheet, while tendrils of Red Mist thicken to form new arms for Little Mist.
Little Mist takes the air pump tube and laughs evilly. “It will be fun to inflate you! I just don't know where to start… I guess I need to find some hole...” After looking at Daniel's body, Little Mist quickly finds the man’s penis hole, lifts up Daniel's flattened penis, and points. “Oh, it must be this hole here!"
Daniel says, “Huuum nuuuuuhmmmrrr!”
Little Mist sticks the end of the air pump into the hole in Daniel's penis and starts squeezing the air pump and inflating Daniel through his penis.
Cowritten by Krynshar and nowvoyager64