Ethan Slut Cow
This cycle of stories follows Krynshar, a demon who hunts bitches and transforms them into his works of art: hybrid animal freaks. After their transformations, Krynshar imprisons his new art pieces in a field surrounded by Red Mist with the intention that one day they will perform at a Freak Show.
There is no need to chain the Freak Animals, as every time they try to escape by walking into the Red Mist, they find themselves circling back towards the field.
Late into the evening, a mysterious man wearing black clothes is sitting silently in the corner of a local gay nightclub, just watching the other men mill about the room.
A guy with a pretty naughty smile is leaning against the bar, looking reasonably drunk. He watches with a grin as the bartender pours him the last drink of the night.
Sliding the drink glass across the table towards the smiling guy, the bartender asks, "Are you sure this time is really the last drink, Ethan?"
"We'll find out soon!" Ethan says with a smile as he raises the glass to his lips. In a single long gulp, Ethan finishes his drink and heads to the dance floor.
Between the music pounding in his ears and the alcohol flooding his veins, Ethan is quickly swept into the dancing vibes. Soon he’s bending over, flaunting his tight pants, and grinding his ass all over the men dancing around him.
From his spot in the corner, the mysterious man watches Ethan’s slutty dancing. After a few minutes of watching the drunken slut flaunt his ass, the man smiles and leaves the nightclub.
A few hours before dawn, Ethan finally decides it’s time to return to his house and so leaves the nightclub.
While he is walking down a dark street, Ethan spots strange tendrils of crimson fog drifting from a nearby alley. Curious, Ethan walks slowly into the alley, but he stops short when he sees the dark silhouette of a man in the middle of a dense knot of bloodred mist.
Ethan clears his throat uneasily and tries to speak to the mysterious figure. "Hey…? Do you know what all this mist is? Do you know where it came from?" When the man remains silent, Ethan begins to walk towards his silhouette – the only thing still visible amid all that thickening mist – until he gets close enough to begin to glimpse through the red fog something almost like a smile. "Hey, you!” Ethan yells into the mist. “Did you hear me?!"
Suddenly, the man opens his eyes, and Ethan gasps when he sees them glowing a very intense red. Ethan takes a few steps back from those intense eyes and realizes he’s made a mistake – something’s terribly wrong. Whatever this mist is, whoever this mysterious man is, Ethan knew suddenly he had better get out of that alley and back the way he came.
But when he turns around to run, Ethan realizes that the entrance to the alley that he had come through only a few minutes ago is already completely covered in Red Mist. Then the red-eyed man, who until now had been standing and smiling silently, begins to laugh and walk towards Ethan.
Hearing the sudden strange laughter, Ethan turns back toward the sound, and his blood runs cold when he sees the man slowly approaching. Panicked, Ethan starts running towards the mist-enshrouded entrance of the alley until he’s fully immersed in the curling tendrils of crimson fog and can no longer see anything past the red haze. Even though he can’t see it, Ethan knows the entrance to the alley must be close, but he keeps running and can't seem find a way out of the area surrounded by mist.
The sound of the red-eyed man's laughter keeps getting louder and louder, as if Ethan is approaching the red-eyed man instead of moving away. Ethan stops running to analyze the direction of the laughter, and a few seconds later he feels a hand touching the back of his shoulder. Gasping in sudden fear, Ethan twists around, and all he sees are glowing red eyes before he falls into a sudden blank sleep.
When Ethan wakes up, he can still feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he keeps his eyes closed, terrified of facing the red-eyed man. From what he’s able to sense, he seems to be lying on his side, and he feels the touch of fingers trailing across his body, as if the mysterious man is admiring and analyzing it. Every once in a while, the fingers pause somewhere on his body and grip it, tugging firmly on his flesh, almost as if trying to reshape it.
When the hands lift away for a few minutes, Ethan tries subtly to move, but he quickly realizes he's immobilized somehow, unable to control his own body. Unable to flex his limbs, sit up, or even turn his head, Ethan realizes the only option left is to try to open his eyes. This, he’s able to do, and as they flutter open Ethan notices that he is lying on an expanse of green grass, in a place filled with the same Red Mist that surrounded him in the alley he had entered.
From his position on his side, Ethan sees the field of green grass stretch out in front of him until it’s lost in the thick Red Mist. Just in front of him, Ethan spots a golden bell lying on the grass, and behind him he hears the sound of movement – the red-eyed man must be back.
Suddenly, Ethan feels a touch on his ear as the man’s fingers close onto it and begin tugging at his cartilage, as if reshaping his ear. Peering out of the corner of his eye, Ethan sees the man with the red eyes standing over him, focused on his task. Ethan tries to say something, but he can't control his mouth, so he’s only able to make the sound of a groan.
The red-eyed man’s mouth quirks up into a smile at the sound of Ethan’s moan and some more Red Mist starts to emanate from the mysterious man's body and towards Ethan's face. Ethan tries to hold his breath, but the minute the tendrils of Red Mist brush across his face, he falls asleep again.
Ethan wakes up again and realizes he’s still in the same place. The green grass stretches out in front of him, encircled with Red Mist, and that golden bell still sits on the grass just in front of his face. But at least one thing is different – Ethan realizes that he can now move, and he tries to roll over so he can sit up and get off the ground.
But as he’s attempting to roll over and struggle to his feet, Ethan begins to recognize that his own body movements are bizarrely different – his arms and legs don’t seem to be responding the way they should, and even his torso feels oddly thick and distended on the ground. Wondering if maybe that terrifying man had drugged him to make him feel so strange, Ethan twists his neck to look down and back at his body and lets out a warped, strange cry – his body is completely different from what it was before.
His arms and legs seem strangely shortened and reshaped, and they end in clumsy, dull hooves instead of the hands and feet he was used to. He tries flexing what he knows should be his fingers and toes, only to watch the unfamiliar hooves twitch in response.
His neck feels thicker than it should be, running down to join with his broadened back. As he turns his head on his new neck, Ethan is able to see that at the lowest part of his back, just before the flare of his asscheeks, his spine extends further than it should into a tasseled tail, curling and waving above him.
And that heavy, freakish mass between his legs – no, please, this can’t be! Ethan despairs and starts screaming for help, hoping someone will come wake him up from this nightmare. Even this brings about further humiliation: as he’s trying to scream for help, Ethan realizes he is mooing his words.
Even without understanding what is happening, Ethan tries to learn to control his new body while pleading and mooing for help. With a lot of effort, he manages to get up off the ground and starts lumbering forward, awkwardly adjusting to his new four-legged stance and the way his udder forces his back legs apart.
As soon as he's picked up the pace, he starts running and keeps yelling and mooing for help. After spinning around (and after tripping a few times on his new clumsy legs), Ethan realizes that there is no direction that isn't covered by the Red Mist, so he randomly chooses a direction and begins running.
The Red Mist starts to get denser as Ethan moves away from the center of where he woke up, until it gets so dense that it's impossible to see anything beside the surrounding bloodred haze. Determined to escape this nightmare, Ethan keeps galloping forward into the redness and keeps screaming and mooing for help.
Eventually the Red Mist starts to thin, and Ethan begins to see a clear place behind this mist. This excites him – Ethan begins to feel relieved, thinking he's found the way out and that he can finally find help. He keeps rushing in that direction, toward the clearing, until the Red Mist finally disperses and Ethan slows to a trot. He takes in the sight: a grassy expanse surrounded by Red Mist with a golden bell on the ground. The same bell that was beside him when he woke up.
Ethan looks around and realizes he's still inside the same circle surrounded by Red Mist. Despairing, Ethan runs back the way he came, the thick Red Mist getting denser and harder to see through until it finally disperses, and he comes into a clearing where yet again he can see the same bell on the ground.
Ethan refuses to accept what's happening and turns to gallop in the other direction. Panting, he rushes through the mist, telling himself that this time, it’ll work. This time, he’ll find the way out. This time, he’ll get help. As Ethan gallops and the Red Mist gives way to yet another clearing, what happened in his last escape attempt happens again.
Over and over, whenever Ethan leaves the Red Mist, he returns to the same spot where the golden bell sits on the ground. Finally, after countless attempts at escaping, he gives up. Walking exhaustedly over to the bell, Ethan flops his strange, cowed body onto the floor, feeling hopeless.
A few minutes later, Ethan starts to hear laughter again. He looks in the direction of the sound and spots the red-eyed man coming out of the Red Mist. Startled, Ethan tries to heave his ridiculously transformed body up to run, but he realizes he’s no longer in control – his body is immobile again.
The red-eyed man approaches the golden bell, picks it up off the ground and loops a collar through it, places that around Ethan's neck, and then says, "I'm glad you're resting already, cow. You'll need a lot of energy for tomorrow's training."
Ethan tries to scream, but without the ability to control his mouth or voice, he starts to moan desperately.
Cowritten by Krynshar and nowvoyager64