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Red Taste

How to make this Krynsharverse more nonsensical?

Characteristics: Stupid

Abilities: Flying; Poking

Krynsharverse: Red Taste

Appearances: Chapter 2

Flying Forks operate in swarms. These mindless creatures find delight in chasing down and poking at anyone Krynshar directs them to target.

Concept Creation


Red Taste is a parody of the other Krynsharverses. The purpose is for things to be stupid and nonsensical. I thought about creating creatures in Red Taste to parody the Red Mist creatures that exist in the other Krynsharverses, so these creatures would necessarily need to be "stupid," as Echo likes to call them.


Being a food transformation-themed Krynsharverse, I thought that using cutlery as the base shape of the creatures made sense, with the form having the additional benefit of being stupid enough for a parody.


I thought, "How silly would it be for a guy to run desperately in fear of Krynshar and then get poked by creatures with as nonsensical a shape as cutlery?"


The idea is that they are stupid, smiling creatures that attack in a pack with the objective of disturbing their target enough for Krynshar to reach him.

Character Creation


Initially my idea was to create a different creature for each cutlery: Spoon, Fork, and Knife. Because it’s a parody, I baptized them with an obvious and silly name: “Flying Cutlery,” because they are cutlery... and they fly.


Before I even started sketching these creatures, I remembered that at some point in my life I had seen children’s cutlery with faces drawn on it. Don’t ask me when or where I saw this, because I don't remember. But I admit I'm curious.


After remembering that, I used that vague memory to search for references, then I searched for children's cutlery and found this image:

That was the only reference I needed, as I already had some ideas in mind. When I started sketching, I gave up on the spoon, because I had already decided that "poking" would be a stupid skill for the creatures to have, and a spoon isn’t able to poke like a knife and fork.
Flying Cutlerys.jpg
I created the first artwork for these creatures while I was still working on the art piece for another chapter of another Krynsharverse, so I didn't get to spend much time on this Flying Cutlery art and I wasn't satisfied. Months later, when I was finally working on the chapter in which these creatures would be used, I decided to polish their concept and execution.


I found this necessary because I was not satisfied with the creatures’ horns. The mouth looked too cartoony, which isn’t the purpose of this Krynsharverse. The eyes looked unfinished.


Still thinking about the poke ability and also about better patterning the creatures, I gave up on the knife. The shape of the fork is better suited for poking, and I decided that it would be better for the concept if these creatures were all of a single type. By focusing on just one type of creature, I was able to pay more attention and even redesign it. This meant I was not just fixing what I didn't like, but actually improving what was already good. As they are no longer cutlery but just forks, the name change to “Flying Forks,” was naturally obvious, as it suits the creatures and maintains the same concepts of being obvious and silly as did the previous name.

"The Red Mist Creatures of this Krynsharverse... are... are... Flying... Forks?! ... Really?!"

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