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Chapter 03

Freak Animals

Model: Moto

Moto Horny Dog

The events of this story take place after those of the story of Chapter 2: Andrew Himbo Pig
It is not necessary to read the story before this one to understand it and have a good experience, but if you do, you will have a better experience.

            It is nearing midnight at the local sex club. Business is finally starting to slow down, and the club employees begin chatting softly with one another in the lull between customers.

            As the clock strikes twelve, the club’s front door flies open and several of the conversations stop suddenly. A mysterious-looking man pushes his way in through the door, glancing around the room as if looking for someone.

            One of the employees nearest to the door fastens on a smile and approaches the mystery man, palm outstretched in greeting. “Hello, dear customer! I'm Thomas. How can I help?”

            The mystery man looks Thomas up and down appraisingly, taking in the handsome employee’s appearance. “Hello,” he says. “My name is Krynshar.” Then he smiles and raises a finger to his own neck in gesture. “I like your collar.”

            Thomas smiles broadly. “Thank you!”

            A man behind the bar yells at Thomas, “Hey, Moto! We’re gonna close soon! Where did you leave the keys?!”

            Thomas pulls a pair of keys out of his pocket and tosses them toward the man before turning his attentions back on the mysterious new man.

            Puzzled, Krynshar raises an eyebrow. “Moto?” he says. “What a different name.”

            Moto grins and taps his collar with a wink. "It's my puppy name."

            Krynshar smiles. "How suggestive,” he says, and Moto nods, missing the wicked gleam in the man’s eye. Glancing around the room again, Krynshar leans in and whispers in Moto’s ear. "The strongest smell of inappropriate thoughts is coming from you… and I have to say, it is making me very excited."

            A doubtful expression crosses Moto’s face as he tries to figure out what this strange man is trying to say. He opens his mouth, but Krynshar raises a finger to Moto’s lips to hush him.

            "I usually watch longer until I choose someone,” Krynshar says with his enigmatic smile. “But Moto, you’ve gotten me very excited, and I'm convinced you're the one I would choose here anyway."

            Tired of trying to guess what this strange, intimidating man is trying to say, Moto crosses his arms and steps back from Krynshar. “What do you mean by that, mister?” he says loudly. “I'll say right away, I can't play with customers..." Moto flashes a smile and winks. “During working hours, that is.”

            Moto’s coworker yells again from behind the bar. "And that’s the only thing that keeps him from playing! Otherwise this bitch would have fun with every customer that comes in here – he's always horny!"

            The gleam in Krynshar's eyes goes suddenly red, and a strange crimson fog begins to trickle from his body down towards the floor, where it pools around his feet. Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, the mist begins to creep toward the edges of the room and the entrance door of the sex club. Krynshar takes another step towards Moto and stretches out an arm toward the man. "We're going to play now, actually. And this collar has given me the best idea.” He reaches out and taps Moto’s collar with a dark smile. “I'm going to turn you into a ridiculous puppy with a silly tail. Thanks for the idea."

            Startled by Krynshar’s sudden intensity and his ridiculous threats – or promises? – Moto takes a few steps back, spins around, and dashes towards the door behind the bar on the other side of the room.

            At that same moment, one of the other club patrons looks up from his conversation and notices Krynshar’s bright eyes and the Red Mist emanating from his body and now beginning to stream across the floor. "What is that?!" he shouts, trying to scramble backward away from the strange crimson fog. In an instant, all eyes are on Krynshar, who smiles and spreads his hands.

            Immediately, the Red Mist that had been concentrating on the ground and spreading to the edges of the room swells up over many of the people, filling much of the room with dense, opaque redness. Amid screams and the sounds of people shoving chairs and tables aside as they run through the club, one by one people begin to fall into deep sleep. Casually, almost toyingly, Krynshar begins to follow Moto across the room.

            One of the people finds his way toward the entrance door but pulls back when he notices the area around the door is cloaked in an especially thick layer of Red Mist. But with the sounds of panicked running and the memory of Krynshar’s red eyes behind him, he steels his courage and rushes into the dense redness to try to get through the door. But the moment he enters the thick crimson fog, he drops to the floor in a sudden sleep.

            His heart thudding in fear, Moto manages to feel his way through the fog, avoiding the especially dense patches of Red Mist as he winds his way toward the back door. With the sounds of bodies dropping to the floor all around him, his hands close around the doorknob and he twists desperately.

            While crossing the room toward Moto, Krynshar notices a man hiding behind the bar. The terrified bartender looks up in shock at Krynshar, who sighs. “Can you believe it? I didn’t even realize there was a back door here.” Krynshar smiles and shrugs his shoulders. "Sometimes I get too excited." The Red Mist surges up and over the bartender, who falls into a deep, sudden sleep.

            As Krynshar reaches the back door, the final noises from the room quiet into an eerie, muffled silence. He closes his hand around the door and it swings open – and Krynshar rolls his eyes when, instead of a shivering, terrified Moto, he finds just a small empty storeroom with another closed door.

            This doorknob resists Krynshar’s twists – Moto must have locked it from the other side.

            With just a gesture, Krynshar causes a thin trickle of Red Mist to pass through the gap below the door while more Red Mist rises to cover his body. It builds until Krynshar’s glowing red eyes are all that can be seen through its density – and then, suddenly, it dissipates to leave nothing but an empty storeroom and a club full of serenely sleeping people.

            On the other side of the locked door, the trickling Red Mist swells up and Krynshar steps out from it, laughing. "No locked door can stop me from..." Krynshar’s laughter fades as he realizes he’s stepped into the back alley. He looks sharply down toward the end of the alley just in time to see Moto careening around the corner on a bicycle.

            Krynshar's smile instantly changes to an incredulous expression. More Red Mist begins to emanate from his body and his eyes glow even more brightly red than before. In a new tone of voice, more demonic and very loud, he booms, “You can run, and you can hide… but not for long!” The cloud of Red Mist building around Krynshar coalesces into the form of several tentacles that begin to rapidly grow towards Moto.

            Hearing that loud and demonic voice, Moto looks back while pedaling his bike and sees the tentacles coming towards him. With a yelp of fear, Moto leans forward and wills his legs to pump even harder.

            The tentacles of crimson fog snake quickly through the air, but on his bike, Moto is even faster. Moto glances back again and realizes he's managing to pull farther and farther away from the demonic tentacles. He nearly laughs in elated relief and turns his attention back to the road, determined to put as much distance between him and the terrifying man as possible.

            The expression on Krynshar’s face slides from disbelief to open anger. Gritting his teeth, he wonders aloud, “Is he actually… smiling?" In frustration, Krynshar tightens three of his fingers into a curled fist and three tentacles of Red Mist retract into a dense knot of fog. Moto sees several of the tentacles retract and he lets out a celebratory whoop as he pumps further and further away on his bike.

            "This isn't fun anymore,” Krynshar mutters to himself. With a sigh, he shoots a look back towards the thickest area of Red Mist in front of the door he just walked through and calls, "Rasho!"

            At his call, the dense area of Red Mist pulsates and a pair of red glowing eyes open inside it. The cloud of mist begins to condense and reshape until it assumes the rough form of a 2.5-meter-tall creature with hulking shoulders and arms, pointed legs, a curved pair of long horns, and a sickeningly wide mouth cut into its face from edge to edge like a gash.

            As the last tendrils of mist wisp off the creature’s now fully formed body, Krynshar points towards Moto, now quite distant on his bike. He looks up at the monstrous creature and says, “Rasho! Catch!”

            Rasho narrows his red eyes as he looks towards Moto. He looks back at Krynshar and nods in affirmation. After rising ominously in the air, Rasho begins suddenly to hurtle towards Moto, propelled on the wind and Red Mist.

            As Rasho careens away, Krynshar cloaks his body in Red Mist and melts into it, slipping easily and instantly through its weft into a dense area of the Red Mist formed by the crimson tentacles further down the street. Krynshar looks up at Rasho flying through the sky towards Moto, and then begins to walk after him, calmly emanating his Red Mist across the street.

            Once again, Moto glances back over his shoulder, wondering if had finally escaped the terrifying man’s crimson tentacles, and his jaw drops as a surge of fear courses through his body. Hurtling out of the sky toward him is a hulking monster of Red Mist with an evil smile and huge outstretched arms with grasping, greedy hands. Moto is panting with effort as he pumps forward, but he realizes quickly that even at full speed, he can’t seem to outpace the gargantuan creature.

            In a terror, Moto scans the area for any opportunity and spots a seedy-looking hotel. With no time to think of better ideas, Moto veers toward the door of this hotel, heaves himself off his bike, and sprints into the front desk, pushing the door closed behind him. He leans back against it, eyes wide and chest heaving with exertion, and begins looking frantically around the room for something – anything – to help.

            “Hello sir?” the receptionist calls, his voice uncertain. “Are… are you okay? Are you looking for someone?”

            Moto shakes his head in desperation at the receptionist and takes two deep breaths before finding his voice. “M-Monster! Monster! Call for help!”

            The receptionist widens his eyes. “Excuse me? Monster?”

            Without saying another word, Moto spots a passage with stairs behind the receptionist and dashes past him up the steps. The receptionist spins around and yells, “Hey! You need to talk to me before you enter!” At that moment, the receptionist hears and feels a ground-shaking boom from just outside the hotel door, almost as if something very heavy had abruptly landed.

            From the other side, Rasho punches the door, blasting a hole through the middle of it. Roaring, the creature reaches through the hole, rips the door off its hinges, and hurls it away.

            The door spins through the air and skids to a stop just a short distance from Krynshar, who continues to walk calmly towards Rasho. Pausing, Krynshar looks down at the door on the floor and then raises his eyes back to Rasho as the creature squeezes through the hotel doorway. Laughing, Krynshar scoffs, "The door wasn't even locked."

            The air is suddenly split by a man’s scream. "What the fuck is that?!"

            At the abrupt sound, Krynshar sighs and turns. Only a few feet away is a man in shock, looking towards the entrance of the hotel. Krynshar rolls his eyes and walks towards the man while muttering to himself, "Rasho draws too much attention. I better start preparing some damage control."

            Inside the hotel, Rasho stops in front of the front desk and looks around the room, completely ignoring the receptionist standing in shock in front of him. Rasho looks at the stairs, walks around the front desk towards them, and starts up. The receptionist, shaking with fear, moves his fingers across the counter towards the phone.

            Now on the next floor of the building, Rasho looks towards two hallways full of doors. The creature roars with frustration, punches a hole in the nearest door, and rips it off its hinges. The two people who were having sex inside the room look in terror at Rasho, who ignores them and continues taking a few more steps towards the next door. People start screaming. Rasho rips the next door off its hinges, this time revealing three people having sex, who start screaming when they see Rasho standing in front of the door. Rasho lets out another roar of anger and moves on to another door. People who have had their rooms violated begin to flee in desperation.

            Rasho rips out one more door and finds no one inside the room, so he moves on to the next door. The people stumble down the stairs into the main lobby where they see the receptionist trying to contact someone. One of the people rushes up to the receptionist and grabs his shoulder. "There's a monster up there!" he shouts, pointing up the stairs.

            The receptionist nods, his own eyes wide with shock. “I know, I'm trying to get help! But my phone is dead – this has never happened to me here!”

            Another hotel guest takes out their cell phone and says, “Mine is also out of service. What’s blocking the signal?”

            Someone else looks around and says, “There are more people in the building, right? We need to warn them!”

            Nodding, the receptionist walks to the wall behind his desk and triggers the fire alarm. Then all the people in the lobby flee towards the entrance of the hotel, but they skid to a stop as they reach the front door and realize that the street is completely covered in a strange Red Mist. One of the people asks, “Where did this mist come from?” Another man exclaims, “How scary!”

            The receptionist pushes to the front of the crowd. “Sure, this mist is scary, but that monster scares me much more!” With one last look up the stairwell, he dashes out of the hotel, and the rest of the crowd follows. As soon as they begin to run through the Red Mist, one by one, they begin to fall to the ground in a deep sleep.

            Rasho continues to rip doors off their hinges, one by one, as people who were startled by the fire alarm evacuate their rooms. The ones who see Rasho in the hallway start screaming. The creature begins to grow impatient and overwhelmed by noise and chaos, with all those people running and screaming around him along with the annoying sound of the fire alarm.

            As people run out of the hotel and drop into deep sleeps, Rasho lets out an enormous roar, losing his temper over not being able to find Moto. In a rage, he stops walking and ripping off doors. The glow of the creature’s red eyes begins to intensify, and his body begins to expand, swelling and building until his bulk is pushing through the walls and up against the buckling ceiling, slowly destroying the hotel from the inside out.

            With an enormous roar, Rasho’s head tears through the roof of the hotel building and he begins to make enormous sweeps with his arms, destroying entire floors at once in his unstoppable search for Moto.

            Now standing in the street amidst his Red Mist and scores of sleeping people, watching the giant Rasho destroy the hotel, Krynshar wonders aloud, “Hmm. Who was it that pissed him off like this?”

            At that moment, a car enters the mist at a high speed before squealing to a stop next to Krynshar. The driver’s door opens and a man in a suit scrambles out, completely terrified to see the building being destroyed by a giant monster. He falls to his knees in despair and grips his head in his hands, screaming, “My building! I'm bankrupt! My life is over!”

            Krynshar looks down towards the kneeling man and smiles. With an air of mocking irony, Krynshar says, "Sorry for the inconvenient brutal destruction of your life" A confused expression crosses the man’s face, and he opens his mouth to respond, but at the moment he turns his head towards Krynshar the Red Mist pulses, and the man falls into a deep sleep.

            With the building almost completely destroyed, Rasho manages to find Moto standing up and trembling in fear and shock amidst the rubble. The enormous creature bends down and grabs Moto with one of his hands and lifts him close to his face. Moto, trapped in Rasho's hand, screams in despair as he looks into Rasho's blazing red eyes. In response, Rasho bellows at Moto, who falls into a terrified, helpless silence.

            With his deep demonic voice, Krynshar booms, "Good job Rasho!" Rasho looks down at the ground, towards his master. Krynshar nods, and Rasho extends his arm. Moto begins to in vain against the hulking hand enclosing him, but Rasho’s misty fingers are unyielding. Less than a heartbeat after Krynshar melts into his Red Mist, the wrist of Rasho's hand holding Moto pulses, and the sound of creepy laughter resounds from Rasho's wrist.

            Moto’s eyes go wide as he watches the silhouette of a man with a pair of glowing red eyes starts to form in the misty contours of that giant wrist. Suddenly, Krynshar steps lightly out of Rasho’s vaporous body and stares approvingly upward at Rasho's giant face before turning to Moto, still straining to escape the squeeze of Rasho’s giant hand.

            Slowly, Krynshar begins to walk down Rasho’s arm towards Moto, and with a touch of irony, says, "Rasho ... You got his best screams of despair. I'm starting to get jealous." Rasho laughs, a deep, bellowing sound that sends shivers down Moto’s spine. Krynshar pauses just a few steps in front of Moto and leans in, bringing his face so close to Moto’s that the helpless man can see the thousand different shades of burning red that light those demonic eyes. “That's it,” Krynshar says softly. “That's the way I like it." He reaches out and grips Moto's chin in his fingers, his thumb planted firmly over the trapped man’s lips. "That's the expression I wanted to see."

            Ribbons of Red Mist begins to pour from Krynshar's other hand. "Now, it is time to play. You will be my art." Krynshar reaches forward and caresses Moto's face, the Red Mist sending him tumbling suddenly into a deep sleep. Rasho’s palm uncurls, and Moto slumps forward toward the demonic man.



            The sound of a scream – and then a silence, followed by a distant thump – cuts through the blackness, and Moto rockets into consciousness. The first thing he notices is how much his body aches. Somewhere below him, the screams continue.

            "What the fuck is that?!”

            “Oh my god!”

            “What is that thing?!”

            Moto cracks one eye open, but he is quickly distracted by the sight of the blue sky above him. “Is… is it morning? Why am I outside?” he wonders. The next thing he notices as he glances quickly back and forth is the tops of buildings on either side – how high up was he? What was going on?

            Another distant scream, followed again by a thud, cuts through the man’s bewilderment. Moto looks toward the sound, but he finds that his neck won’t seem to turn – in fact, he seems to be unable to move anything in his face, or his body for that matter. Only his eyes flit back and forth anxiously as he tries to flex his frozen body.

            Moto’s blood runs cold as he hears a familiar voice coming from very close to him. “Stop moving your hand, Rasho! You’ll end up knocking my art down!”

            Another distant scream erupts. “Is that a monster?! Hel-” But the voice is cut off suddenly by the sound of another thump.

            Moto feels a hand sliding over his bare chest and down his side, and he realizes suddenly that he is naked. He hears the familiar voice again. "I thought that up here I could work on my art in peace, because I don’t have to put up with that Slut Cow always asking me stupid questions."

            The events of the night before return suddenly to Moto in a rush, and his heart begins to hammer away in his chest as memories of the wicked man’s red eyes and the giant monster flit through his mind. He remembers the escape from the club, the flight into the hotel, the destruction of the building as the monster swelled in size – suddenly, Moto understands the blue sky and the distant screams as he realizes he is still lying prone in the monster’s outstretched palm. He tries in vain to move his body – to twist, to kick, to roll, even – but when he finds his body frozen and unresponsive, Moto begins to try to scream for help. But his face, too, seems locked in place by some strange power, and he’s unable to open his mouth. All the helpless man manages to emit are groans of despair.

            Krynshar notices that Moto has woken up and sighs. "These idiots keep screaming and running into my Mist... How many more do I have to put to sleep before I get to finish my art?!" Raising one hand to his forehead in exasperation, Krynshar passes his other over Moto's face, sending the man spiraling into another deep sleep.

            Hours pass as Krynshar labors, taking great care on his art. The sleeping Moto’s body yields to him, and though the helpless man had been locked in place by the demon’s magic, now his vulnerable body twists and turns and compresses and bulges according to Krynshar’s vision.

            When the red-eyed man is finally finished, he leans back from Moto – his newest creation – and turns to look toward the ground, many meters below. He sighs again, and says, "There's a lot of mess for me to deal with here." He looks up at Rasho's giant face and points at the monster. "Because of this, you will take my creation to his new home. I will stay here and clean up your mess."

            Rasho nods, and Krynshar's body begins to sink into the foggy recesses of Rasho's wrist until it disappears completely. As Rasho’s great body begins to dissipate along with the still-unconscious Moto still clutched in his hand, he hears Krynshar's distant voice coming from the ground. "Be careful not to step on my other arts that are there!" Rasho nods his great head as he finally melts into the mist around him.



            Trailing fingers of crimson fog drift through the green grass of the field, emanating from the encircling walls of towering Red Mist. In the middle of the green clearing, two absurd creatures – ridiculous hybridizations of man and animal – stand side by side. Their almost-handsome faces are ducked low on their animal necks as they shift awkwardly on their four legs and speak in hushed tones. Every once in a while, one of the freaks breaks seemingly involuntarily into a silly animal noise.

            One of the stupid creatures cocks his hears suddenly and stiffens, craning his bovine neck toward a distant sound. “Did yoOOOOOoou hear that, Andrew?” he asks, his voice sliding unsteadily between human and cow.

            His companion nods his head on his thick neck and squeals in response before turning his face toward the sound, doing his best to point with the flattened pig nose in the middle of his masculine face. “I heard, Ethan! OINK! It’s coming from over there!”

            As the two animalistic freaks stare in the direction of the sound, and gradually, two blazing red eyes become visible in the encircling Red Mist. The pig and cow hybrids take a few steps backward, their fleshy flanks pressed against one another for comfort, as the sound of heavy footsteps begins to resound from the direction of the eyes.

            “Is it Sir Krynshar?” Ethan asks, before breaking into a “M-moooOOOOOO!”

            Andrew shakes his head clumsily on his thick pig neck. “I—I don't think so, but I think somWREEEEEEEone pissed him off. RooooOOOINK!”

            The sound of the footsteps grows louder and louder, and eventually the two warped men watch in nervous anticipation as the shape of something hulking and enormous steps into view with something clutched in its hand.



            When Moto rockets into consciousness, the memories of Krynshar’s blazing red eyes and Rasho’s impossible strength are still with him, and his heart begins to pound. He experiments by twitching his muscles gently and finds them responsive – he can move again! At this realization, he sighs inwardly in peace, but that feeling of relief melts quickly away as Moto feels the gentle rise and fall of huge footsteps and realizes he’s still lying in Rasho’s enormous hand.

            “WhaaAAAARRFFFt's happening?! WOOF!” Moto breaks off into a sudden silence, shocked by the unfamiliar way his voice sounds. But before he can think twice about it, his heart leaps in his chest as he sees Rasho’s terrifying face leering over him.

            As the monster grins, he lowers Moto the ground and rolls the man off his palm. Moto tumbles into the grass, grateful for its softness against his naked skin, and tries to heave himself up. He has to get away!

            But as Moto tries to scramble to his feet, he realizes that his body isn’t working the way it’s supposed to. Something seems wrong with his back – it won’t straighten, won’t pull him up onto his feet – but Moto’s fear propels him forward and he scrambles as far and as fast away from the monster as possible. Just in front of him, he sees a clearing with what looks almost like two figures standing in it – a break in the seemingly impenetrable Red Mist, and maybe someone to help him! He stumbles forward, still on all fours, and breaks into the clearing.

            The excitement and hope building in Moto deflates suddenly as he careens to a stop. Now in the clearing, the helpless man is able to see the two figures he had hoped were people who could help him – and he can’t tear his eyes away from what can only be described as a pair of absolute freaks, both looking back at him with wide, surprised eyes.

            “Didn’t I say it looked like a dog?” asks Andrew proudly, before breaking into a humiliating “ooOOOINK!”

            Ethan turns toward Andrew and rolls his eyes, his droopy cow ears twitching in acknowledgment. “Okay, okay! YoOOOOOOOoou won this bet, I’ll give you some of my lunch tomooOOOOOorrow…”

            Andrew gazes into the distance at Rasho’s silhouette and then turns back to Moto. “What did you do to piss of Krynshar?” he asks, grunting.

            Still completely confused and in denial about what’s happening, Moto sputters incoherently. “Wh- h-how… I d-don’t… Wh-what the fuck AAARFF you guys?!” he finally manages, his eyes going even wider as he breaks into another involuntary bark. “What’s happening?!”

            Ethan shakes his head and waddles toward Moto. “S-sorry,” he apologizes. “Big udder. There’s… a lot to explain. Why don’t yoOOOOOooou–”

            Moto interrupts. “Why are you talking like that? Why do you look like that? BARK! Why am I talking like this?!” Finally, Moto allows himself to look down at the grass, to wonder why he’s standing weirdly on all fours. He looks more closely at his hands and his mouth drops in horror and disbelief as he realizes he’s staring down at two fleshy paws. He tries to wiggle his fingers and a jolt of fear rushes through him as the toes on the paws respond, twitching in tune with what he knows his fingers should be doing. Moto whimpers and flexes his limbs, rocking back and forth as his mind wheels from the crash of different and strange sensations across his body as it responds to his movements in awkwardly new ways. The only thing familiar thing about his strangely warped body is the feeling of his leather collar, tight around his neck.

            Ethan bobs his head on his thick cow neck and tries to continue explaining. “I know it’s fucked up, but yoOOOOOooou need to kee–”

            “FUCK!” Moto screams suddenly, cutting Ethan off. Andrew squeals in surprise at Moto’s yell and takes a few clumsy steps backward on his thick legs. “W-we need to get out ARFF here! WOOF!”

            “It’s no use –” Andrew tries to warn Moto, but the dog-man dashes suddenly toward the edge of the circle.

            “Follow me!” he yells in a panic, his elongated puppy tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. He bounds into the dense area of Red Mist and Ethan and Andrew shake their heads as they watch him dart away with his new tail tucked between his legs.

            “Just have to let him figure it out for himself,” Ethan says to Andrew, and the pig nods. The sound of sudden barking resounds from their right, and Andrew points his porcine snout at the noise.

            “There he is,” Andrew grunts, and trots forward, his curly tail bouncing over his exposed rear. Sure enough, Moto appears out of the Red Mist, running at full speed on his four doggy legs. Seeing Andrew and Ethan in front of him sends the panicking dog-man to a screeching halt.

            “What?!” he barks, looking from pig to cow wildly, his canine ears flapping. “How is that even possible?? WOOF!” Moto looks frantically past the other transformed men, toward the direction of Rasho’s still-visible silhouette. “He’s still there! WOOOF! Why are you just standing there? We gotta go!”

            Moto bounds off in a different direction, diving into the crimson fog again until even his haunches and tail fade into the redness. With a sigh, Andrew and Ethan roll their eyes at each other, and with a squeal, Andrew flops heavily onto his side.

            “Welcome to being art, I guess,” the pig says with an eye roll.

            “I hope he keeps all that energy for his training,” Ethan says, before trailing off into a loud “mooOOOOOoo!”

Cowritten by Krynshar and nowvoyager64

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